Friday, May 21, 2010

We're moooooving!!!

And we are SO excited!!! We got a new house over on Midway Park (base housing). We move in Monday and it can't get here fast enough!

Our house is the left side.

And here is my 16 week picture:

We went to the Dr's yesterday and the baby's heart beat was 152 and I was measuring at 18 weeks. I hated the dr I saw and will make sure I NEVER see him again! He was horrible.


  1. I love reading your blog! WRITE MORE GIRL! Amazing, Amazing, Amazing house! Where are you stationed?

  2. I try too! life just gets away from me lol. We're at Lejeune!

  3. I hope you're settling in nicely in your new home :) I found you through another milspouse blogger, and I have left you an award over on my pregnancy blog,
    (I also have a deploymen blog, if you are interested

  4. Lovely house! My friend was also pregnant when they moved to a new house. It was very stressful for her, though her husband was very caring. I'm sure that some friends came over to help you guys. How is the house today? It's been three years already. There must be a lot of changes. I hope that everything is going great with you and your family. My husband and I are planning on a base housing too but we are hearing a lot of negative stories about it. Can you share us some advice?

    Saundra Wordlaw
