Friday, May 21, 2010

We're moooooving!!!

And we are SO excited!!! We got a new house over on Midway Park (base housing). We move in Monday and it can't get here fast enough!

Our house is the left side.

And here is my 16 week picture:

We went to the Dr's yesterday and the baby's heart beat was 152 and I was measuring at 18 weeks. I hated the dr I saw and will make sure I NEVER see him again! He was horrible.

Welcome home LCpl Badger!

Last Tuesday my best friend Brittani drove from DE here to us in NC. This is the third time she has come to visit us since we moved here..and I must say this was the happiest, most looked forward to visit we've had! Her boyfriend Rory left for Afghanistan back in October 2 days after Ryan and I moved here. I'm so glad I got to be here for her that is a picture of him leaving. See the tear running down her face? It broke my heart.Fast forward 7 months to this past monday and...HE'S HOME!!! We went to bed about 9 Sunday night, she slept about 2 hours and I woke up at 4 (I was so excited for her to see him!) Watching her wait for him and seeing her finally reunited with her love was so awesome!
Unloading the bags..this is where everyone started to freak out!

Rory's bag happened to be thrown right in front of us!
Their song started playing (which was also painted on his sign) then his bus pulled around the corner.

Rory is the Marine all the way to the right over by the cones.

And they see each other <3

Welcome home LCpl Badger, it's great to have you back!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

14 weeks!

And I felt the baby! It was awesome, I wasn't sure what it was at first but after explaining to a few people what I felt they said that it was the baby moving! Here is my 14 week pictures. Just and FYI, I'm sick of people telling me we're having if you're going to say it, just don't.