Today I am 12w4d and my "morning sickness" is getting worse! I really hope it goes away soon, or at least isn't as bad. I was sick on Friday with a fun at all! I'm glad that is over with. Hubby went fishing on friday for work, they gave his platoon a choice of going on a battalion 9 mile hike, or go fishing. Of course, Ryan picked fishing! He had a good time and he and his friends want to go back next weeked. Here he is with the first fish of the day!

Here is his friend Gibbons with the
only fish he caught! It was about 2 inches big.

We got our first ultra sound when I was 10w1d so it's been a few weeks, I've been horrible at updating this, sorry! Here is our little love bug:

We already love our baby SO much! And we really can't wait for November to get here! We find out what the baby is in June, it seems so far away right now! I can't wait to find out so we can start calling the baby by its appropriate name and not "it" and "the baby". And so I can give into my shopping addiction and start buying this little bean some cute clothes!
Here is my 12 week picture, it's starting to pop out now. I'm only 5'1" so I think I'm showing a little quicker because really, there's no place for it to go but out! I haven't gained any weight yet, I've actually lost 4 pounds! I think it's because I haven't been feeling well so I'm not eating as much as I used too, no worries though, little one is getting lots of food!